
Get on to the big screen for UCL museum event

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Posted: 15.Oct.2015

Are you interested in the weird and the wonderful, with a bit of history thrown in too? The University of Central London (UCL) is putting on an exhibition called Museums at Night, with historic artifacts that will intrigue and inspire!

Old master prints, drawings of flayed bodies, mysterious things in glass jars, extinct animal skeletons, glittery minerals and rocks, amulets and charms from ancient Egypt, the UCL Museums and Collections house a treasure trove of the awe inspiring and unusual. Their focus is on a museum being where people are.

The event, supported by Get Living London, will take place on Friday 30 October from 6.30pm - 9.30pm at The Timber Lodge cafe next to East Village.

It’s part of UCL's engagement with the local community prior to the planned opening of a new campus in East London in 2019/20 https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east

You can also join University College London to create a Pop-Up Museum in Stratford where your personal collections and ideas take central stage. They believe in sparking connections between people and ideas and are inviting residents from the surrounding areas to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to come and take part.

Activities include:

Live music

Performance from MC Maxwell Golden

Screening of PRICELESS - a collection of short animations made by the community with Salmagundi Films

Living Library

The Cabinet

The Museum of Me

Museums go Pop playlist

Paid bar and snacks

For more information visit: www.ucl.ac.uk/museums/whats-on

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